Sunday, January 24, 2010

Still around!

Thank you Celeste , your comment motivated me to remember my goal to post frequently. I have been painting but very unsatisfied with the results so have been wiping out.  I am determined to be able to paint landscapes as I have always loved being out in nature.  I am awed by her splendor.  However, this has also been a part of the problem... I want to include all the beauty and therefore lose the focal point.  Need to learn to simplify.  I am reading a new book on Landscaping which I think will help tremendously.  The book is "Landscape Painting, Essential Concepts and Techniques for Plein Air and Studio Practice by Mitchell Albala.  The book was recommended by K. Tyrell on her blog The Art of Landscapes
I also fulfilled one of my goals.  I entered the "End of Day"  formerly called "Florida Sunset" in a juried show.  I am thankful for all the blogger out there.  They all have so much to offer. Have a great day.

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