Thursday, July 16, 2009

Off to St. Augustine!

We are off to St. Augustine in our Roadtrex. We will be staying in a beach side motor home resort so should be able to get great shots of beach side sunrises. That is, if I wake early enough! I have been in a slump with my painting lately, nothing excites me. I am hoping to just enjoy myself and nature and let the creative juices flow on their own. This painting was done a while back and has been sold. But hopefully this trip will inspire me. Have a great day!


susan hong-sammons said...

Hey Honor, I hope you have a wonderful trip that totally re-energizes your creative drive. I'll miss seeing your lastest oils.

Celeste Bergin said...

I LOVE Florida (I was born there..moved away...moved back..moved away). Any day painting is a great day..even when the results aren't what we'd hoped. All bad paintings put us all one step closer to a good painting.
Looking forward to seeing Florida through your eyes. :)

Honor Bradley said...

Thanks for you kind words. I have returned and am painting up a storm or should I say putting in my brush miles. Hopefully< I will be able to post some of my recent works.