Thursday, February 26, 2009

Returning for down under

I am slowly returning from a bout of sinusitis and head cold. My husband tried hard not to pass it on but "that's life". As you can imagine, I have not been painting (my brain just would not cooperate) but I am able to keep up with all the new postings from other bloggers. They encourage me. I finally got up the nerve to post a still life I did at my last workshop. I think I still need to do some work on it. It was painted plein air which was the first time I did a still life outside. I am determined to do more. I welcome feedback as it helps me grow. Enjoy you day. Honor


Michelle said...

Honor, Your still lifes here are great. I can't believe this is your first plein air still life painting - very nice.

Hope you are feeling better!

Honor Bradley said...

Thanks Michelle, I am on the mend. Your comment is encouraging, Honor

Mary Sheehan Winn said...

Nice work. Hope you recover soon!

Honor Bradley said...

Mary, love you painting of the cat. Thanks for the comment. I am just starting to recover my old enthusiasm. Honor

Marian Fortunati said...

Hi Honor,
Really like the colors and the way you painted this still life!!
I expect that by now you have recovered from your cold.
I am just getting one and since I'm leaving tonight for Mexico, I'm HOPING it's not as bad as yours must have been.
I'll try to keep myself drugged up and painting.
I'll be looking for more of your posts while I'm at the workshop!!