I am slow to get back into the swing of painting although I did just finish a painting for a potential competition but I will have to wait to publish it. I was delighted when I received the wonderful news when I got back that I won a lovely signed limited edition of one of John Wright's latest painting. (http://johnwrightart.blogspot.com/). Interestingly, it is a snow scene and I just got back from Denver. Denver had a blizzard the day I flew so I had to lay over in Fort Worth. Needless to say my grandkids were disappointed but we made up for it once I arrived. This will remind me of my trip as it snowed three times while I was there. Something Florida rarely sees.
I finally took a picture of Rachel's print of Zinnias she sent me. Thank you again for the lovely print. I am also posting one of my first oils. I love the bright colors, the tulip radiates. Tulips are a glorious harbinger of spring.
Hope to be posting on a more regular bases as I am more a peace with my art work and not striving to learn everything at once before I start painting. I have found in my past lives that when I am face with a new challenge, I tend to go on a frantic search for any and all information related to it. For two years, I have been reading voraciously, trying to cram in all the art of the century, trying different approaches, going to workshops...Rather like turning over the pieces of a new puzzle, once the pieces are all turned I start putting all the ends together to frame the problem. The final stage is to fill in the center. I think I have arrived at this stage and can focus on actually painting and not worrying about not doing something right or missing a piece. I can enjoy the process of painting and stop obsessing on the knowledge of painting. Have a great day. Honor